Hitotoki NOTE - Square Size - Undated - A5 - Bouquet


With HITOTOKI NOTE Square, you can use it in your own free way.

・Hitoki Note Square size
・Size: H180 x W180 x D5.5mm
・Mass: 170g
・Number of pages: 59 pages
(about half a year's worth of information for one week spread)
・Set contents (materials): Cover (PVC), underlay (PET), notebook (paper)

This square notebook is refillable with Hitotoki NOTE Refill - Square Size

Convenient 3-piece set 

The set includes the notebook itself, a special cover with a pocket, and a pad that can be used as a ruler or bookmark. You can easily start recording your daily life from the day you want to write.

It’s okay if you don’t write “every day”. Leave the date blank

Whether it's for the first time in three days or a month, you can use it at your own pace without being tied to a date.

Flexible division guide

It come with a "splitting guide". By connecting the dots and drawing lines, you can make the page even more your own. By using the underlay set, you can get a more beautiful finish.

By connecting the dots vertically, you can divide the spread into up to 8 days. Like a vertical notebook, you can write in one column per day, or use two columns as one day's worth. The key point is that you can freely change the width of the frame depending on the amount you want to write.

Even if you make a mistake, you can cut it out neatly. Perforations that can be separated freely.

There is a perforation in the middle of the page so you can tear it out neatly, so you don't have to worry about making mistakes.

Flat design with perfect binding

The perfect binding method allows the book to open securely horizontally, making it easy to write on any part of the page and read back easily.

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